A quote seen on facebook "Liberals are like women~ They make most decisions based on emotion." I started to get fuzzed up about the comparison but then started thinking. My decision was going to based on emotion. DOH! Dang it. Then, I thought about it. It is pretty true. So, how do you deal with women or liberals? It takes a change in strategy.
Instead of discussing the benefits of conventional raised beef; talk about the emotions associated with raising livestock in traditional way. The amount of time, care, and love contributed to the raising of something you know will eventually be harvested. THe feedings of bummer lambs and leppy calves and the care given to an orphan animal.
When you discuss the use of public lands- talk about the wildlife seen on the permit, the family time spent salting and gathering, the beauty and the reduction of fire danger associated with grazing.
Woohoo! T%HAT"S what I'm talkin' about. Great advice!